Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life],

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

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Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

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George Eliot è lo pseudonimo di Marie Anne Evans. Fu iniziato nel 1869, e poi ripreso ne 1871 fondendo tra loro diverse storie che presero l'aspetto di un romanzo a puntate. La prima edizione in un unico volume venne pubblicata nel 1874, ottenendo un'ampia diffusione. Il romanzo è ambientato a Middlemarch, una città di fantasia dell'Inghilterra centrale, tra il 1830 e il 1832, è composto da un intreccio di trame in cui figurano numerosi personaggi e ha per oggetto una grande varietà di temi come lo status delle donne, la natura del matrimonio, il conflitto tra idealismo e interessi personali, tra spiritualità e ipocrisia religiosa, nonché le riforme politiche e mediche del tempo. A questo ampio canovaccio con molti personaggi si aggiunge spesso la voce dell'autrice, a volte didattica, a volte ironica, mai banale.Virginia Woolf descrisse Middlemarch come "uno dei pochi romanzi inglesi veramente per adulti". Secondo Princhett, "Nessun romanzo vittoriano si avvicina a Middlemarch, nell'ampiezza dei suoi riferimenti, il suo potere intellettuale o l'imperturbabile vastità della sua narrativa...dubito che qualsiasi altro romanziere abbia altrettanto da insegnare ai moderni scrittori quanto George Eliot... Nessun autore ha mai rappresentato le ambiguità delle scelte morali in maniera così completa". Popolare fin dalla prima pubblicazione, il romanzo rimane uno dei più letti della storia della letteratura, benché meno conosciuto in Italia. Nel Gennaio del 2007, un libro intitolato "The top ten" inserì Middlemarch al numero dieci della classifica dei 10 libri più importanti di tutti i tempi.

Please note: This audiobook is in Italian.

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #183115 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-10-09
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: Italian
  • Running time: 1897 minutes
Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Where to Download Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Brilliant psychological insight By Nancy Great novel by a woman of great intelligence. The subtlety of psychological insight never grows old and repays many re-readings.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A classic, a development of a whole small English ... By Nancy B. Rance A classic, a development of a whole small English town of 1830, Middlemarch deals with recognizable adult life with deep insight but the writing won't be everyone's cup of tea. Keep a dictionary close by and tackle this book with plenty of leisure time since it's very long but oh so worthwhile!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. View from the 70's By Ruth Dater At last I reread Middlemarsh from the perspective of a person in their seventies. The doctor's wife stands out for her longing for status and love of money and possessions. Dorothea is still an interesting person. I sympathize with her sister who is very practical.

See all 14 customer reviews... Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

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Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot
Middlemarch [Italian Edition]: Uno studio della vita di provincia [A Study of Provincial Life], by George Eliot

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

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Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Download Ebook PDF Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Levant le voile du secret sur une grande famille du Sud en déclin, Tanya Anne Crosby, l'auteur à succès du New York Times, explore la vie de Caroline, d'Augusta et de Savannah Aldridge, trois soeurs qui partagent un passé obscur et un avenir incertain. Caroline Aldridge est surprise par le nombre de personnes venues assister à l'enterrement de sa mère. L'héritière du journal Tribune, qui avait causé tant de douleur à ses enfants, était apparemment très aimée de tous les autres habitants de Charleston. Décédée, elle laisse derrière elle d'innombrables secrets et quelques exigences : Caroline et ses soeurs doivent vivre ensemble pendant un an, sinon elles perdront leur héritage. Et Caroline doit prendre le relais à la tête du journal. Mais un tueur fait les manchettes et sans le vouloir, Caroline se retrouve peut-être en ligne de mire....

Une série d'enlèvements et de meurtres ressuscite chez les trois soeurs les souvenirs de la disparition de leur frère quand il était enfant. Caroline craint être la prochaine sur la liste. Cependant, au milieu de la tourmente, elle a peut-être l'occasion de raviver la flamme d'un amour éteint depuis longtemps. Avec Jack de retour dans sa vie et les liens fraternels se rétablissant lentement entre les soeurs, Caroline espère que sa famille peut retrouver sa position dans la société de Charleston. à moins qu'une force sinistre, indépendante de leur volonté, ne les déchire à jamais....

Please note: This audiobook is in French.

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #174717 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-10-13
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: French
  • Running time: 689 minutes
Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Where to Download Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Intense et palpitant! By Nicole Laverdure J'ai adoré le roman de Tanya Anne Crosby Au nord de Folly-sur-mer! L'auteure a, très bien, su capter mon attention dès le début de l'histoire en créant le mystère qui entoure la famille Aldridge, dont la mère Florence et ses trois filles Caroline, Augusta et Savannah. Un roman remplit de mystère, danger et passion, qui ont su me tenir en haleine jusqu'à la fin! J'ai bien aimé les personnages en particulier Caroline qui est l’héroïne de celui-ci.L'histoire débute à l'enterrement de leur mère où les trois soeurs se revoient à la maison ancestrale de la famille Aldridge, une demeure remplie de secrets. Caroline a aussi l'occasion de revoir son ancienne flamme, Jack, l'homme qu'elle avait jadis aimé et quitté. Dès qu'elle le revoit, elle se méfie de lui, mais ressent de nouveau des sentiments qui raviveront peut-être leur amour. Mentionnons, que leur mère, était une femme très particulière! À la lecture du testament, Caroline apprendra qu'elle devra prendre en main le journal, Savannah devra écrire un livre et Augusta devra restaurer la maison, mais à une condition, toutes les trois, devront demeurer une année complète dans la dite demeure. Une série d'enlèvements et de meurtres viendront compliquer leurs vies. Est-ce que cette arrangement, unira les trois soeurs de nouveau? Est-ce que Caroline donnera une seconde chance à Jack? Est-ce que le meurtrier sera découvert?Tanya Anne Crosby a su apporter du suspense et de l'intrigue à son histoire en créant une attente pour son prochain roman À l'ouest de la mort, dont l’héroïne sera Augusta.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Des personnages attachants, un suspense irrésistible By wordsandpeace Lire et traduire Tanya Anne Crosby est un grand plaisir.Ses romans commencent lentement : elle vous laisse le temps de connaître ses personnages de l'intérieur et de vous familiariser avec la région où ils vivent. Le cadre est très bien décrit, très atmosphérique et il fait partie prenante de l'intrigue. C'est une très belle présentation du Sud des États-Unis, gothique de nombreuses fois, et bien sûr avec de la mousse espagnole, qui à elle seule suffirait à me ravir.Peu à peu, l'intrigue se complique et les indices se multiplient. Soudain, vous avez de nombreuses pistes et vraiment beaucoup de gens pourraient bien être le suspect, pour une raison ou une autre. Le suspense est très bien mené.Un autre élément que j'apprécie énormément dans le style d'écriture de Tanya : ses dialogues. Ils sont tellement vrais, vous sentez que vous êtes là à écouter les personnages, à remarquer leurs réactions. Et quelque chose de tout à fait caractéristique de Crosby : une grande partie de la narration est toujours considérée du point de vue d'un personnage ou d'un autre. Ils ne sont pas observés de loin par un narrateur neutre. Au lieu, vous êtes à l'intérieur de leur tête, et même quand ils ne s'expriment pas dans le discours direct, vous voyez toujours les choses de leur perspective, vous les entendez penser à haute voix. Tanya a utilisé ce moyen littéraire dans tous les livres d'elle que j'ai lus jusqu'à présent, et il aide vraiment rendre l'histoire vraie et engageante.Oh, et avez-vous remarqué les superbes couvertures ?Quant aux titres, ils correspondent vraiment à ceux que l'auteure elle-même aurait souhaité pour la version originale en anglais.Dans ce premier roman, on découvre les 3 soeurs Aldridge. Les choses ne sont pas roses depuis un certain temps entre elles, mais elles sont obligées de se retrouver à l'occasion de l'enterrement de leur mère. De plus, cette-ci leur a laissé une tâche redoutable : si elles veulent hériter de sa richesse considérable, chacune d'entre elles doit faire quelque chose de spécifique, déterminé par elle-même, et même vivre ensemble dans la maison de famille pour une année entière. Caroline semble avoir reçu la partie la plus difficile : la direction du journal qui appartenait à sa mère. Pour compliquer les choses, un tueur en série est en cavale...Déjà fragilisée par tous ces événements, sans mentionner un événement très douloureux dans leur enfance, Caroline doit également regarder les choses en face à réfléchir à ce qu'elle veut vraiment faire de son ancien petit ami qui refait surface dans sa vie.Il y a donc beaucoup d'éléments en même temps, qui tiennent le lecteur en haleine quand ils se connectent, et l'ombre du tueur inconnu qui plâne sur tout le monde.

See all 2 customer reviews... Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

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Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby ePub
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Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby Kindle

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby
Au nord de Folly-sur-mer: Mystere les soeurs Aldridge t. 1, by Tanya Anne Crosby

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

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Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

PDF Ebook Download Online: Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

In the new novel by the #1 New York Times bestselling “master of psychological suspense,”* featuring a cameo by fan-favorite Boston detective D. D. Warren, memories can be murder... Nicole Frank shouldn’t have survived the car accident, much less the crawl up the steep ravine. One thought allows her to defy the odds and flag down help—she must save Vero.  If the girl even exists.Arriving at the scene, Sergeant Wyatt Foster joins the desperate hunt for a missing child, only to learn that Nicky suffers from a rare brain injury that causes delusions. According to her husband, there is no child. Never has been. And yet Nicky remains adamant. She must save Vero.  For Wyatt and investigator Tessa Leoni, nothing about this case is simple. It turns out Nicky has recently suffered more than one close accident. Is she indeed delusional, as her husband claims, or perhaps she knows more than she thinks? Because clearly someone out there won’t rest till Nicky crashes and burns....*The Associated Press

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #25355 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-03
  • Released on: 2015-11-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.56" h x 1.00" w x 4.25" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 480 pages
Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Review Praise for Lisa Gardner“No one owns this corner of the genre the way Lisa Gardner does.”—Lee Child, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Jack Reacher novels “Lisa Gardner always delivers heart-stopping suspense.”—Harlan Coben, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Stranger “Nerve-shattering suspense.”—Tami Hoag, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Cold Cold Heart “No one writes this kind of modern horror tale better than Gardner, no one.”—The Providence Journal “Frighteningly real.”—People

About the Author Lisa Gardner is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. Her Detective D. D. Warren novels include Fear Nothing, Catch Me, Love You More, and The Neighbor, which won the International Thriller of the Year Award. She lives with her family in New England.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1

I died once.

I remember now, as much as I am capable of remembering anything, the sensation of pain, burning and sharp, followed by fatigue, crushing and deep. I’d wanted to lie down, I recall that clearly. I’d needed to be done with it. But I hadn’t. I’d fought the pain, the fatigue, the fucking white light. I’d clawed my way back to the land of the living.

Because of Vero. She needed me.

What have you done?

I am weightless now. I understand, absently, this is not a good thing. Cars shouldn’t be weightless. A luxury SUV was never intended to fly. And I smell something sharp and astringent. Alcohol. More specifically, whiskey. Glenlivet. Always prided myself on drinking the good stuff.

What have you done?

I want to cry out. As long as I’m sailing through the air, about to die for the second time, I should at least be able to scream. But no sound comes from my throat.

Instead, I stare through the plunging windshield, out into the pitch black night, and I notice, of all things, that it’s raining.

Like that night. Before…

What have you done?

It is not so bad to fly. The feeling is pleasant, even exhilarating. The limits of gravity defied, the pressure of earthbound life left far behind. I should lift my arms, spread them wide and embrace the second death looming before me.


Beautiful little Vero.

And then…

Gravity takes its revenge. My car is weightless no more as it reconnects savagely with the earth. A shuddering crash. An echoing boom. My body, once in flight, now tossed like a rag doll against steering wheel, dashboard, gear shift. The sound of glass cracking. My face shattering.

Pain, burning and sharp. Followed by fatigue, crushing and deep. I want lie down. I need to be done with it.

Vero, I think.

And then: Oh my God, what have I done?

My face is wet. I lick my lips tasting water, salt, blood. Slowly, I lift my head, only for my temple to explode in agony. I wince, tucking my chin reflexively against my chest, then rest my aching forehead against hard plastic. The steering wheel of my car, I realize, is now crushed against my chest, while my leg is twisted at a nearly impossible angle, my knee wedged somewhere under the crumpled dash. I have fallen, I think, and I can’t get up.

I hear a sound. Laughter. Or maybe it’s keening. It’s a strange sound. High-pitched, continuous and not entirely sane.

It’s coming from me.

More wet. The rain has found its way inside my vehicle. Or I have found a way outside. I’m not sure. Whiskey. The stench of alcohol is so strong it makes me want to vomit. Soaked into my shirt, I realize. Then, my gaze still struggling to take in my surroundings, I spy glass fragments scattered around me; the remains of a bottle.

I should move. Get out. Call someone. Do something.

My head hurts so damn much, and instead of velvet black sky, I see bursting white lights exploding across my field of vision.


One word. It rises to the front of my mind. Grounding me. Guiding me. Urging me forward. Vero, Vero, Vero.

I move. Laboriously, the keening sound replaced by a soul-wrenching scream as I attempt to extricate myself from the driver’s seat. My vehicle appears to have landed on its front end, the dash nearly crushed against me. I’m not upright, but tilted forward, as if my Audi, once it broke its nose, couldn’t regain its balance. It means I have to work doubly hard to unpin myself from the accordionized space between my seat and the steering wheel and the collapsed dash.

Airbag. The excess mass wraps around my arms, tangles up my hands, and I curse it. Back to screaming and fighting and ranting gibberish, but the senseless rage spikes my adrenaline until at least the crushing fatigue is gone, and now there is only pain, an endless terrible pain I already understand I can’t afford to contemplate, as I finally wiggle my way sideways from between the driver’s seat and the dash. I collapse, panting heavily, onto the center console. Legs work. Arms, too.

Head’s on fire.


Smoke. Do I smell smoke? I suffer an immediate bolt of panic. Smoke, screams, fire. Smoke, screams, fire.

Vero, Vero, Vero.


No. I catch myself. No smoke. That was the first time. How many times can a woman die? I’m not sure. It’s a blur in my head, from the smell of wet earth to the heat of flames. All separate and yet together. I am dying. I am dead. No, I am merely dying. No wait, I am dead. The first time, the second time, the third?

I can’t sort it out.

Only one thing matters, has ever mattered. Vero. I must save Vero.

Back seat. I twist myself around. I hit first my left knee, then my right, and scream again. Knees are shot. Fuck it. Don’t care. Back seat. I have to get to the back seat.

I fumble around in the dark, licking rain and mud from my lips as other impressions start to register. The front windshield is shattered, but also the moon roof, hence the inside rain. My once gorgeous, relatively new and luxurious Audi Q5 crossover SUV has been shortened by at least a foot, if not two, the front end sustaining the worst of the impact and the front doors most likely too warped to open. But the back appears to be relatively intact.

“Vero, Vero, Vero.”

I realize for the first time I am wearing gloves. Or, used to be wearing gloves. The glass has shredded them into large bloody flaps which hinder my movements. I wrestle the first one off, then the second, then jam them self-consciously in my pants pocket. Can’t toss them on the floor. That would be littering and I treat my car better than that. Used to treat my car better than that?

My head hurts so damn much. I want to curl up in a ball and sleep and sleep and sleep.

But I don’t. I can’t. Vero.

Forcing myself to move once more, I rummage right, then left, fingers fumbling in the dark. But I find nothing. No one. I search and search, first the back seat, then, more shakily, the floor. But no small body magically appears.

What if… She could’ve been thrown, tossed from the airborne vehicle. The car had tried to fly, and maybe so had Vero.

Mommy, look at me. I’m an airplane.

What have I done, what have I done, what have I done?I must get out of the vehicle. Nothing else matters. Out there, something in the dark, the rain, the mud. Vero. I must save her.

I drag myself by the elbows from the front of my crumpled car to the back. Then, a sharp turn for the rear passenger’s door. But it won’t open. I yank the handle, shove against the door. Cry, beg, and plead, but nothing. It won’t give. The damage, the child’s safety lock. Shit!

One other exit. The way back, rear cargo hatch. Moving again, painfully slow as the pain in my head turns to nausea in my stomach, and I know I’m going to vomit, but I don’t care. I have to get out of this car. I have to find Vero.

The puke, when it comes, is a thin liquid spew that smells of expensive single malt and a long night’s regret.

I drag myself through the heinous puddle and keep going. First lucky break: the collision has jarred the rear hatch open.

I push it the rest of the way up. Then, when crawling proves too much for my bruised—broken?—ribs, I drag myself out with my arms and belly flop onto the ground. Mud, soft and oozing, eases my fall. I roll over, panting from the pain, the force of my exertions, the hopelessness of my situation.

Rain, rain go away, please come back some other day.

Mommy, look at me, I’m an airplane.

I’m tired again. Fatigue, crushing and deep. I could just lie here. Help will come. Someone who saw the accident, heard the crash. Another motorist passing by. Or maybe someone will miss me. Someone who cares.

An image of a man’s face pops into my mind, but is gone before I can catch it.

“Vero,” I whisper. To the falling rain, the oozing mud, the starless night.

The smell of smoke, I think idly. The heat of fire. No, that was the first time. Focus, dammit. Focus!

I roll back over, and begin my journey.

The road appears to be high above me. There is mud, grass, scraggly bushes, and sharp rocks between it and me. I hear distant sounds, cars whizzing above me, like exotic birds and I realize, as I belly crawl forward inch by inch, that the vehicles are too far away. They are up; I am down. They will never see me. They will never stop and help me find Vero.

Another inch, two, three, four. Gasping as I hit a rock. Cursing as I tangle in a bush. My trembling fingers reaching forward, searching, searching, searching. While my head screams in agony and I pause, time after time, to retch pathetic little spits of bile.


And then: Oh, Nicky, what have you done?

I hear that keening noise again but I don’t stop. I don’t want to realize that the distressed animal making all those sounds is actually me.

I don’t know how long I wriggle myself up through the slipping, sliding mud. I know by the time I crest the hill, I’m covered head to toe in black ooze and far from disturbing me, it amuses me. It’s fitting, I think. I look as I ought to look.

Like a woman who’s crawled from the grave.

Lights. Twin pinpricks, looming closer. I get up on my hands and knees now. Have to, if the passing motorist is to see me. And it’s okay, because my ribs don’t hurt anymore. My body has gone numb, the screaming in my head having overloaded all circuits and left everything else curiously blank.

Maybe I’m already dead. Maybe this is what the dead look like, as I get one foot beneath me, and slowly but surely, rise to standing.

A screech of brakes. The oncoming car, fishtailing briefly as the driver overapplies the brakes in the wet conditions. Then, miraculously, it stops, right before my raised hand and pale, rain-streaked face.

“Holy—” An elderly man, clearly shaken, is briefly illuminated by the interior light as he opens the driver’s side door. He steps out uncertainly, rises to standing. “Ma’am, are you all right?”

I don’t say a word.

“Is it an accident? Where’s your car? Ma’am, you want me to dial nine-one-one?”

I don’t say a word.

I just think: Vero.

And suddenly, I remember. I remember everything. An enormous explosion of light, terror and rage. A shooting pain not only through my head, but through my heart. And in that instant, I recall exactly who I am. The monster from underneath the bed.

Across from me, as if sensing my thoughts, the old man recoils, takes a small step back.

“Um…just stay there, ma’am. Just…I’ll um, I’ll phone for help.”

The man disappears back inside the dimly lit interior of his car. I don’t say anything. I stand in the rain, swaying on my feet.

I think, one last time: Vero.

Then the moment is gone, the memory passed.

And I am no one at all, just a woman twice returned from the dead.

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Where to Download Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

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43 of 48 people found the following review helpful. "Before I Go To Sleep" crossed with a manual on "How To Investigate A Motor Vehicle Accident". By Mimsy Itonia Sgt Wyatt Foster and his partner Kevin (whose surname I've already forgotten - but his nickname is "The Brain") must solve the mystery behind a motor vehicle accident in which sole driver Nicky Frank desperately asks them to search for "Vero". It is only later when they get to the hospital that Nicky's husband Thomas Frank tells them that Vero doesn't exist. This car accident is the third time she's suffered serious concussion, so they can't be sure that anything she says is the truth. So how did the car wind up at the bottom of the ravine? And where did Nicky conjure up this little girl by the name of Vero?For the first 40% of this novel, I felt as if it should have been renamed "How To Investigate A Motor Vehicle Accident". It was so, so dull. And so, so dry. Every other chapter we'd keep going back to that ravine for more information on How To Investigate A Motor Vehicle Accident. At one point Wyatt even says "I hate this damn ravine" three times in one page. By that point, I was in complete agreement. Enough already! Get on with the plot! I don't know any police department that would spend so much time on a MVA (motor vehicle accident) in which no pedestrians were injured and the driver wasn't over the legal alcohol limit. In my opinion, 40% (nearly half a novel) is too long to spend on something like that. In Australia we have tons of "factual" shows in which road traffic police investigate accidents. I don't watch them. So I didn't relish reading about it so much.By 45%, the novel has delivered a decent, if predictable, twist. Thankfully, from that point on the pace begins to pick up and the story begins to resemble the sort of thriller I've come to expect from Lisa Gardner, one of my favourite authors. Gardner manages to deliver a few more plot twists that nearly had me gasp out loud while I was surreptitiously devouring the novel on my Kindle at work. So she still knows how to pull the rug out from under her readers. But it was still lacking. That very slow start to the book really damaged proceedings. Also, she eventually tries on one too many plot twists. With only six main characters (Nicky, Thomas, Wyatt, Kevin, Tessa, Marlene), and three of those investigators, there are only so many places she can go, and her bag of tricks empties out. The finale was more soap opera cliffhanger than genuine suspense.But it was a nice try. I'm glad I persevered past 40%, because I got some nice thrills and spills out of "Crash And Burn". It was far from her best, however. Sometimes I got the feeling she had read "Before I Go To Sleep" and thought to herself "I can do better than that". She did, but it's a hollow victory. If it weren't for that first 40%, this one would have been four stars.Note: the book's subtitle says "Tessa Leoni #3". It's not really. She's very much a secondary character, but she serves more purpose here than she did in "Touch & Go", where (I felt) she just kept getting in the way. Also, why do they keep saying that Wyatt worked with D.D. Warren on the Denbe case ("Touch & Go")? No, they didn't. D.D. Warren only had a cameo in that book (like she does here).

35 of 39 people found the following review helpful. Don't know what to say............ By Deborah J. Pfiffner I did not care for this book in the least. "Twice back from the dead......Vero wants to fly...." Those two phrases repeated over and over and over and over and over.....well, you get the idea how annoying it is. In my opinion this was a senseless jumble of words and ideas that were hard to follow and made too little sense to consider this a novel worth reading. I feel like Lisa Gardner is losing her touch in creating a great mystery that you can just dive into and thoroughly get lost in. I can't in good conscience recommend this book to anyone. Truly awful!

39 of 46 people found the following review helpful. Gardner blends mystery, suspense, and thriller elements seamlessly into one heck of a read! By meigan Lisa Gardner is one twisted lady and I mean that in the most complimentary of ways, of course. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so good at what she does and believe me, she's good.In every Lisa Gardner novel, each one is drastically different, while still sharing the same traits as all of the others: more twists and turn than you can shake a stick at, combined with villains and victims alike that are all morally ambiguous. There is a definite shade of grey to be found in Gardner's novels, and Crash & Burn is a perfect example of that fact. The bad guys aren't always bad in every sense of the word, but more importantly, the good guys aren't always as good as they want to be perceived.In Crash & Burn, the action happens immediately from the first page. A woman, seemingly the victim of her own making in a drinking and driving accident, crawls up a ravine afterwards in search of rescue. After being loaded into an ambulance, Nicky Frank pleads to everyone listening that a little girl, Vero, is missing and needs to be found. Naturally, the police immediately start a search for the missing child, coming away with more questions than they have answers and evidence. According to Thomas Frank, Nicky's husband, there is no child, there is no Vero, it's all just a figment of Nicky's thrice-concussed brain. Such brain trauma would lead to false memories, fantasy pasts, a definite inability to separate the fact from the fiction. Nicky's brain injuries also lead to more questions for the police; how does one woman end up with three concussions in a span of 6 months? And is Vero real? In short bursts of coherence, Nicky's recollections seem more like truths, which just leads the police deeper and deeper into a twisted mystery.Although this isn't one of Gardner's famed D.D. Warren novels, fans of hers will be delighted that she does make an appearance. Still recovering from past injuries, D.D.'s future as a cop still hangs in the balance. Another recurring character, Tessa Leoni, plays a more prominent role in this novel. Aside from helping during the current investigation, her past is also still haunting her. Tessa is one of those great ambiguous characters that Gardner is so good at. While her story has already been told, it's definitely far from over. I will be waiting with bated breath to see what the future holds for her regarding her own case, and also where she and Wyatt end up.As with all of Gardner's novels, I recommend this for readers of thrillers and mysteries who love a good twist and turn. Gardner provides many and just when you think you've figured it out, she throws in some more. Despite some recurring characters, most of these novels can stand alone, but I recommend reading previous character-labeled novels just to get the full scope and get any missing backstory.**eARC received on behalf of the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner
Crash & Burn, by Lisa Gardner

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

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A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

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Vengeance. Murder. Pursuit. Time. Clues. With a strategically hidden note on his latest victim, a sociopathic madman has Detective Lenny Shane playing his sick and twisted games. He has been given a window of only 24 hours, and no other clues to put an end to his adversary's fatal schemes. Can he catch the killer before someone else's time runs out, or will another innocent die on Lenny's watch?

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #583012 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-08
  • Released on: 2015-11-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook
A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

Where to Download A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Action packed suspense thriller By Cheryl M. Wellman You can't stop reading it once you start...it is action packed and a good read. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to read a thriller...

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A great police story......loved it's!! By MsDot I've been reading Amazon books for years and this is one of the best books I have read so far.......the action never stopped and Lenny Shane was the best cop around. I can't wait for the next Lenny Shane book. Please tell me there will be a next...lolMsDot

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. well written page turner By Ocean Girl It was a real page turner and hard to put down. Good read. Looking forward to the next one Amy Andrews

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A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews
A Killer's Game: A Detective Lenny Shane Novel, by Amy Andrews

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4),

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

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MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

Read Online and Download MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

In this new, sweet, clean, historical western Mail Order Brides series - Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters, your heart will be tugged as you meet and get to know the four Matthews sisters: Emma, Ruby, Amy and Jade; each one courageous to leave the comfort of their wealthy home to step into their new destiny. They'll each find adventure of course, and certainly a need to trust God! Join with them through their times of trials and joy... In this fourth and last book of the series, Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas, you'll follow Jade's journey as she desires to go out west to teach children, where teachers are hard to find. She replies to a young man, Lucas Barner, a clockmaker, who is willing to marry just for the sake of having a teacher for the new school he helped build. But lo and behold when she meets her husband to be,he looks somewhat familiar and she now recalls his name from years past- he was her childhood sweetheart! How much has he changed? And where will sudden circumstances take their relationship? ***Find out when you down load for FREE with Kindle UNLIMITED or just $0.99!***

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #44926 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-28
  • Released on: 2015-11-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook
MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

Where to Download MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. HE LOVED HER SINCE HE WAS 10 YEARS OLD THOU SEPARATED FOR YEARS HE UNITES THEM AGAIN By Dorothy Hendrickson Lucas Baner loved Jade Matthews when they were very young they have been separated for years. He now lives in Wyoming now and she still lives in Maryland she is looking for a job as a teacher. She is offered a teaching position at home she chooses a job teaching in Wyoming and the offer to marry Lucas Baner because they want a married teacher. Lucas and she marry and things are moving slowly for them to get acquainted with each other. A lot happens in a short period of time with the couple and a little girl named Annie . In the end the four sisters, their husbands ,children and their parents get together for a reunion and the family is growing by leaps and bounds.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great series By Kindle Customer I did not write a review for the other books thought I would wait till the end. This was a great series about 4 sister who wanted to live their own lives. What a great adventure they all had. The author did a great job in writing this series the last series almost brought tears to my eyes I liked the way it was written getting straight to the story not a lot of descriptions. To me this was well written.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Loved it! By Earthtch I started with book one and read clear to book 4 about the Mathew sister loved each book!

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MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood

MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood
MAIL ORDER BRIDE: Jade: A Bride for Clockmaker Lucas (Bride Adventures of the Wealthy Matthews Sisters Book 4), by Ellie Haywood